We are dealing with tropical storm Fay and unfortunately it looks like we might be dealing with her a little longer. The county below us is really getting the most damage and I hope everyone makes it safely through the night. It is actually beautiful outside with the occasional rain. I just sat on the front porch with Murphy and a glass of wine while watched the trees blowing around. It feels like fall and makes me long for cooler weather. You would think it was just a thunder storm but we are under a flood watch and tornado watch. It is those tornadoes from the feeder bands that really scare me.
I think most Floridans are prepared for hurricanes these days. We stocked up on fuel for the generator and I went to the grocery last night and I couldn't believe the empty shelves. The early bird does get the worm and shopping the night before a tropical storm is a little late.
This storm had us reminiscing about our first summer home with Jetty. We had three hurricanes and it seemed like our house was boarded up forever. I found this picture of Jetty during one of the storms and she was so mad. She wanted to go outside to play with Daddy in the middle of a hurricane. Daddy is riding his bike trainer on the back porch during the storm (you can see him in the sliding glass door). Poor little Jetty just didn't understand why Daddy could go outside and we had to stay in. I tried to explain that Daddy had life insurance and we didn't and that I would prefer not to be listed on the Darwin awards, hehehe.
On another note, Jetty's first day of school went smooth. She was very upset in the morning and I ended up carrying her into school. She ended up having a great day and was smiling when we picked her up. Unfortunately, school has been canceled for two days because of the storm. Hopefully this won't throw the kids off too much.
Cute piccie. I hope that you all made it through damage free.
Oh my! That picture cracked me up! That is a serious pout! It's probably what I looked like after Fay dumped on us for 3 days!
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