I thought it was a joke this morning when I woke up and turned on the news. I was fully expecting this storm to be long gone but instead she choose to hang out on top of us all night. It was overcast but not very rainy or windy and I even contemplated taking the girls for a bike ride. After talking to my brother on the phone I decided it was best to stay home. The eye of the storm was over us so that was why it was so calm and the storm hadn't moved in six hours. It was a good decision because the storm started moving and the winds picked up and they haven't stopped all day neither has the rain. We are told to expect more tomorrow and school has been canceled yet again.
As any Mom (or Dad) knows it is hard being stuck inside all day. Today was the third day and I finally busted out a Winnie-the-Pooh video and popcorn. As soon as I got the girls settled on the couch and put the video in the power went out! Go figure, I don't know how to set up the generator and Daddy was in Orlando at a Bike Race (International Firefighter and Police Games). Crazy cyclist racing in the wind and the rain. The girls and I ended up putting headlamps on and reading which was so much fun and the quietness with the rain was very magical.
By the way, Daddy won both of his races today and we are very proud of him!
congrats on the racing wins! very cool.
hope you all are keeping dry and safe throughout the storm(s). one of the "perks" of living down there, yeah?! kidding. :)
we visited with Jim, Karen, and Kai this past Sunday as the were in Denver for a couple days. It was so wonderful to visit and see Jim and Kai in person. We follow their blog too, but we hadn't seen Jim or Kai since China and was only the 2nd time we spent alittle time with Karen too. Gwyn's already talking about how we all (or as much of us as we can gather) need to get together at least for a 5 year reunion.
take care!
I would love to see everyone again! I wouldn't recommend a Florida reunion during hurricane season:)
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