Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Jetty was finally able to go back to school yesterday and she was one happy camper. Her teacher said she was very quiet but no fever. Ella has been running a fever for 3days but with just a cough and seems to be recovering quickly. On the other hand, I am feeling pretty rough. I just need a good nights sleep so hopefully with the girls getting better I will be able to get some decent shut eye.

Even with the girls being sick they have been in really good moods. Jetty was even a flower girl in my brother's wedding on Sunday and did a fantastic job. The rehearsal and dinner was last week when she was really sick and she wouldn't walk down the aisle. I was expecting to have to walk down with her but she did her job like a pro. I will post some pictures of her in the dress as soon as I get them downloaded.

1 comment:

Lisa~~ said...

Happy to hear that Jetty is recovering. Hopefully both girls will be 100% soon and that you get some good sleep and will be there too at 100%. Hugs to all of you.